Young Living Aroma Siez

Well I think you can guy what this oil is used for by its name. Help with your sore seized up muscles and fatigue from injuries or over used muscles.  This oil can also help with headaches!

This is blended oil the that has many great singles oils in it.


I personally use this oil after a good workout, or I add it to my epsom salt baths to soak my tired body. This oil is great for improving circulations and reducing swelling. You can also apply it to your neck to relieve stress headaches.

Bath Soak
epsom salt
5 drops of Aroma Size
3 lemongrass
2 copaiba

and soak for 20 min.

Post Workout
6 drops valor
6 drops peppermint
6 drops aroma siez
top with carrier oil and place in a small glass spray bottle, or roller bottle

apply to area of soreness

I bought this oil in place of pan away after I ran out of mine in my starter kit. It's a must have oil for soothing your achy body after a long day of hard work.

If you are all interested in buying oils or buying a starter kit here is the Young Living link to start. My enroll and sponsor number is already added just need to fill out your info. 

If you have any questions about oils comment below or share why you acceptance. I am learning more and more as i use these and i enjoy reading on how each oil works and what is in them. The recipes i have shared work for me and my family, they are not intended to cure according to the FDA.


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