Young Living Valor

Valor is such a awesome smelling oil. I love to add this to my wrist before i leave the house because it's a beautiful calming smell.  This is a blended oil that has spruce, rosewood, blue tansy, frankincense oils in it.   All these oils help with relaxation, empower, confidence, self esteem, and fear.  Who doesn't deal with these emotions on a daily basis?

This oil also has been know as the chiropractor in a bottle! I rub this on my back or hips when they are bothering me, or add a few drops to my epsom salt baths to relieve pain.

When your kids are being super wild and crazy apply this to there feet and back of the neck to help them calm down. And don't forget to diffuse it through out the day if your losing your mind!

If your partner in crime is a snorer apply to right big toe and base of toe, and you will be back to sleeping in no time.

When my pep is not in my step i add a drop or two to my diffuser necklace and gives me a mood boost through out the day

Valor Recipes that i use

Tantrum Spray
20 drops orange
15 drops valor
10 drops release

top with carrier oil and put it in a roller bottle

apply when needed to feet, temples and back of neck

Stressed Shoulders after a hard day at work?

Make the husband add a few drops to your shoulder and rub your neck and shoulder while you drink wine!!!!  In a perfect world!!!! But seriously do it you will feel better

Bath Salt blend - add 4 drops of valor and 3 drops of aroma seize to epsom salt and soak in a warm bath for 30 min.

As always I hope that gives you some more knowledge about valor essential oil that i love and ways to use it. There are many more ways to apply this oil but these are the ones i am currently doing.
If you are all interested in buying oils or buying a starter kit here is the Young Living link to start. My enroll and sponsor number is already added just need to fill out your info. 

If you have any questions about oils comment below or share why you love Frankincense oil. I am learning more and more as i use these and i enjoy reading on how each oil works and what is in them. The recipes i have shared work for me and my family, they are not intended to cure according to the FDA.


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