My Happy Dance

So i have many things to do the happy dance for today.  First and for most my Dear little Kater Tator hasnt had a wet diaper since we put her in them last night. Yeah! New trick for success a spoon full of ice cream after each time of going to the bathroom. Now if we were rewarded like that, well i be a pant size bigger. *Giggle*.

Second this Friday if everything works out I'm going to be getting together with some of my friends from high school. Stinson and Ohbe which I haven't seen since Bella was born and Jen which i don't see that often. I'm stoked.  Catch up on where our lives have gone since high school.

Third a happy dance for having a sitter for Saturday. Our work is just now getting around to having our Christmas party, so were going bowling for that. And follow it up with a Valentines date. ha doesn't that sound funny. Thanks Auntie Anna for watching our sweet little chickadee's.

Fourth for getting a apt. to go see the back and neck specialist to see if we can make me feel 27 again instead of 57.  It's a twice a week therapy for like 20 weeks. Crazy sure hoping it works i think i have tried everything.

Does anyone else have a happy dance going on at there house?


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