Searching, Searching and Searching

So books have consumed me this week.  But i finally found my book i borrowed from the library that i couldn't make time for on amazon for $9.99. And let me tell you its a parenting book that really made sense, plus it was geared towards the ages of my kids. I so recommend it for you if you have kids under the age of 6. It's called parenting with love and logic for early childhood. But unfortunately i had to order it in book form, not in a ebook. That's ok!

Today i must go to the grocery store i tried to stretch out my shopping to reduce my freezer amount. But we have a Christmas party this Sunday again and need to buy appetizers to bring along. We also need to find two white elephant gifts. Since i am not one to hold onto something i really don't enjoy its hard to find something to bring. I do have a smutty romance book Bella bought me when i was sick with the flu once, she new books cheered me up and thought i might feel better having it. But you see its so cute, and so not by book. But i want to hang on to it to show her when she is older the cute gesture she did. So nope that's not going maybe its time i open my junk drawer to see what treasures are lurking in there.

Well maybe i should go enjoy this pure silence at my house while the whole family is sleeping since they all stayed up way to late dancing the night away.


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