Joys of being pregnant

So today I went in for my Dr. visit, Scott and Kate joined me this time!  I had a long list of questions this time around and it was nice to have a second set of ears listening because prego women forgot a lot!  But when she measured my fundal height it measured 2 weeks ahead of my due date.  So she scheduled me for a ultrasound on Monday to check his weight and such.  Yeah!  Another ultrasound, I think this is my fourth so far with this pregnancy.  I think I might make them do a quick check to make sure Henry is really Henry! And crossing my fingers that he is not just a big baby, and maybe they messed up my due date! A mama could hope! And also she gave me a belly band to wear to relieve my pelvic pressure.  It seemed to help in the short time of wearing it.  It's keeping little Henry all snug :)
It's suppose to go under my shirt but im lazy at home! Sexy? But it keeps me from walking like I just got off a horse!

I also did my glucose testing today, which I didn't wait for the results.  I was there long enough, they can call or mail me the results.

That's all for today!


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