Field Trip Day

Once again I was not able to make it to Bella's class field trip.  So she wasn't disappointed that she had no one with her on that trip I asked Grandma Sherri is she would like to go with her.  Sure enough she was able to go because her school gets out earlier then ours! Sweetness.....  They were heading to Como Zoo.  She also was lucky to spend the day with Bella's best friend Ashley and her mom Blanca, they were grouped together plus they had one more little girl named Janelle in there group.  So they had it made, compared to some of the other groups.  They started off the day at the zoo in a class and then they were able to go walk around the park, have lunch and meet back to the class before they had to board the buses.

Grandma and Blanca also did some spoiling to there group plus some of Bella's friends.  Grandma bought the girls necklaces, and Blanca sugared them up with giant suckers!  I am so glad that Grandma got to spend quality time with her grand girl, but i sure wish I was able to go along.

I sent the camera with them so I can see all the things that they got to experience! About 50% of what she took didn't turn out due to flash being on against a glass enclosure! :)

just got to the zoo and looking at the flamingo's
janelle ashley bella


ashley bella tatem

here fishy fishy


sparky crew


ashley janelle blanca sherri

polar bear

Blanca and Ashley

Grandma and Bella

Sugar Time

Over all they said they had a lot of fun!


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