So much laughter

On the way to our first house today at work they were doing some major road work and had all the roads torn up and putting pipes in under the roads, which sucks but it really sucks when its rained for the last month. So we were bajing thru the mucky roads hoping to make it to the house. We we took a detour and turned on a road that lead to it, and on the side of the road there was a big sign that said road closed, so i paused for a second and thought if the road was really closed it would be in the middle and not to the side. So i told my cleaning partner in crime to keep going and we will be fine. Well the muddy holes turned into huge deep trenches that were left behind from the larger machines and i was like oh man there is no turning back now and I'm not going to get out of this car and walk thru that muck if we get stuck. There were two construction workers on the side of the road waving and pointing to go back. Thought to myself There is no stopping . Well to my amazement we made it thru and i began searching for a exit for her turn onto and so i point to this little opening and it was between a porta potty and barrier. I shouted GO GO GO GO and don't stop. Well there was a little mud ledge and it had a different idea, it stopped the mini van dead in the mud. I mean the wheels no longer showed. The construction workers a lot pissed off at us. And all you heard from the van was laughter, seriously what else could we do but laugh thru that. A man showed up and said what are you doing there the road is closed? then left. Came back with bulldozer and got right behind us and we thought he was going to push the van with that but he was smoothing the road out for us. And then told us he is not suppose to be helping us because we are two crazy girls. Then a truck load of 6 guys show up and got out and laughed and made fun of the situation and began pushing the front of the van, well belkis didn't turn the wheels and covered them head to toe in mudd. So we busted out laughing and they were not happy, i think they deserved that for picking on women. Well they finally got us out. After all that we didnt make it to the house to clean. But we laughed about the situation all day which ended in a headache. Honestly i have laughed while typing this out. You had to be there! It was the best day at work, just glad it wasnt my car!


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