Young Living Lemongrass

I love diffusing this oil while i clean the house. It's my way of lighting a candle you would say!  It just has the fresh clean scent that uplifts me, and makes me house smell spring fresh.

This oil has so many good uses such as air purification, helps with varicose veins, carpal tunnel, detoxify, skin health, menstrual cramp, lower cholesterol, and antibacterial.

I have read that the french use this oil to help treat bladder infections, kidney disorders, digestive issues and connective tissue.  It's amazing how a simple grass can help treat many different ailments that many people suffer from.

I tend to reach for this oil when we need to boost our immune, have a headache, sore throats and when i have aching muscles. You can grab a glass roller bottle and add 10 drops and fill the rest of the bottle with any carrier oil that you like. That way it's handy to use when your in a hurry or want to throw it in your purse. This is a hot oil, so that mean you should dilute it before apply to skin otherwise it might burn you.

Here are a few recipes that  i use lemongrass oil in.

Bathroom Spray
7 drops of lemongrass
splash of witch hazel
filled the rest with distilled water

I keep it in a small blue glass spray bottle in my bathroom

add lemongrass oil with a carrier oil and spot apply to acne break outs. It helps get rid of them faster.

2 cups of Epsom salt
10 drops of lemongrass oil

great for when your feeling muscle aches, constipation, upset stomach, or need to de-stress

I hope that gives you some more knowledge about lemongrass essential oil that i love and ways to use it. There are many more ways to apply this oil but these are the ones i am currently doing.
If you are all interested in buying oils or buying a starter kit here is the Young Living link to start. My enroll and sponsor number is already added just need to fill out your info. 

If you have any questions about oils comment below or share why you love Frankincense oil. I am learning more and more as i use these and i enjoy reading on how each oil works and what is in them. The recipes i have shared work for me and my family, they are not intended to cure according to the FDA.


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