What Does A Dentist Do On A Roller Coaster?

He braces himself.

Ha ha ok not really that funny but who doesn't love a good joke? The day has come and Bella has gotten her braces put on. It has been a process. First they installed a expander on the roof of her mouth which was held on by two top teeth, and a metal piece covered the roof of her mouth. Each morning we had a key to put in the hole of the expander and i had to turn it to the back of her mouth. That slowly moved her jaw out to where it was suppose to be. She has a nasty cross bite and as her mother before her. He He true statement. I still have mine but she does not!  We did that for a few months before they removed it and gave her a retainer to keep in her mouth 24/7. She was able to pick the color of this. Which made her super excited to have it. She picked the color purple with glitter. When she first showed it to me i was like it looks like taffy stuck to the roof of your mouth. She played with it and did magic tricks with her siblings. She would open her mouth and say now you see it and then remove it with her tongue when her mouth was closed and open her mouth again and say now you don't!  She thought it was fun, and so did they!  She has had that in for about 2 months now and Tuesday she was scheduled to go in and get her braces put in. She has talked about which color braces and bands she wanted and it changed every time she talked about it. She ended up going with light blue and pink every other pattern. She only had to get 4 braces across the front top teeth to close up the gap from moving her jaw out. She was in a little discomfort for the first two days and it kept cutting up her lips when they touched the end of the braces. There is a little wire and so she has some wax she applies to help glide her lips over it. She is so lucky to have some classmates that have braces that give her tips and encouragement along the way. I am just praying she will not need a full mouth of braces after all her teeth are out. But this little thing ate up all the ortho money and some. But having a nice smile is so worth it. It gives you confidence!


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