ms. kari

So the day started with me turning bellas light on, then me saying get out of bed, then dad going in and picking her out of bed and putting her in the tub. Bath time done and dressed and of course a cry session while brushing hair. I was in a big hurry to get her ready and dressed and stand outside for a pic before her first BIG DAY at school because i was going to be late for work. Scott sent me a pic of Bella and her whole class lined up ready to walk together to there room. I'm so glad that he got to experience her going to school for the first time but i was sad that i wasn't there to see it myself. She was so excited, she even knew her teachers name and told everyone. It's so funny kids start early when you ask them what they learned or did in school they always reply "nothing, i don't know". But eventually you start hearing about there day thru out the nite. Bella said they sat on the rug and then went and sat on the chair and went back to the rug and then back to the chair. Wow fun filled! She is really glad she gets to go back tomorrow, but i fear Friday when she doesn't go, she probably going to be having a melt down and that's when I'm going to be glad I'm at work and Scott's home to see that.
just kidding...Nah!
I just hope that i don't get notes home from the teacher that she was talking to much. Maybe my bad habits wont be passed down.


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