adult conversations

So last night at our church they put together a event called group links. It where married couples form small groups. It was very scary at first putting yourself out there and sharing and asking many couples about there lives. That way your comfortable with your new group that you going to form. Well we really likes this one group leader couple so we sat down and then a all of sudden three couples joined us. And the leaders already had another couple apart of there group. So we now have 6 couples and 15 children in our oh so barely small group. The best part of this group is that they provide childcare with a babysitter in there basement while we are upstairs. Sweet Huh? They just didn't think there would be 15 kids under the age of 15! Well see how it works out next Sunday evening, and go from there. Then tonight i went to the same event but this time it was for women, men and singles looking for a small group, i was hoping to find some women my age and walk of life to form a small group. It would be nice to have some girlfriends down here in the city. But unfortunately it didn't work out and my schedule didn't allow much leeway. Maybe it was for the best but it kinda hurt to walk away without a group. I'm pumped for Sunday evening group, i feel like we should have a name. maybe it's a work in progress. Stay tuned!


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