Am I crazy?

So last night while at church teaching my Kindergarten class. The sirens started going off. Well in no rush to get home In my mind we are still here after the rapture, i can survive the storm We stopped off to get a little ice cream before heading home to hunker down. Took Rosie out to go potty before the big down pour.

Then i began working on my cards again, to be totally interrupted by the super loud noise of down pour and hail. And the only thought that came to my mind was my newly potted plants. Seriously I'm crazy! But there so little and fragile and they cant take a storm with ice balls falling from the sky. So i threw the rain coat on and rain out to save them. Let me tell ya i shouldve took a pic of my super soaked pants. But it was worth it my plants are alive and looking good. What i would do for my plants. Now can you imagine what i would do for you? Lol


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