The search for every crumb in the house

Oh yeah the title says it all! I am on the mission to clean the place up and get every crumb out of every nook & cranny. It's amazing how you can not clean your house for one week and the time it takes it to get back to a livable space again. But you can't stop there you must clean out the crumbs that have fallen into the drawers and cupboards. Well that leads to organizing the cupboard that you fear to open because you don't want to find out what pan might end up falling on your foot. And the biggest challenge of all...... The girl's bedrooms wow until you have kids you don't understand my problem. After i picked up all the toys and before i vacuumed and mopped it, it was totally turned upside down and i mean the mattress was off the bed. Who needs a gym membership when you can break a sweat cleaning your house. I even had Scott mopping the floors, it was a family effort today. Scott and I decided for Christmas they are not getting anything that cant be bolted down to the floor, and have strings attached to everything that comes with it.


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