Brand Loyalty

Wow, winter just showed up in MN.  Bella didn't have school Monday and Tuesday so we had a play date with one of Bella's friends to come over and play in the snow.  Perfect weather for making a snowman, fort, or a great snow ball fight. I got a really good workout shoveling that heavy snow.  I would've used the snow blower but we haven't used it at all this winter so why start now.  

Then in the afternoon I thought i would  finally go get a new pair of shoes for the gym.  My gym shoes i bought last time some how ended up being my all around shoe.  So it was time! So the girls and I went to all the shoe stores. I know i was going to be going to a few different stores before i finally picked my shoes, so i did a little bribing!  I told them if they were good listeners i would treat them to a icee before we went home. Which is a big treat coming from me, Scott is the one that caves in when they ask.  Not me so they were really happy when i said that!

 I went to one store and the sales rep looked at the shoe i was wearing and said i definitely got my money out of these shoes.  I laughed and said yep, I guess cause im a mom and this didn't rank high on my priority.  I was happy when I found a new pair of asics i liked. I don't know about you but i have brand loyalty.  I used to love Adidas in high school, then i feel in love with new balance, and i'm currently still in asics.    It also turns out I'm in a purple mood lately. My shoes, my couple of my gym shirts, and my headphones are all purple.  Maybe i need to pick another color to love also!
Let me tell you, shoe shopping right now is a pain in the butt.  All the shoes are neon colors! That might be nice if your a high school-er but i don't really feel like wearing neon pink and yellow!

And the girls were awesome listeners, so they got there icee.  I also invested in a new pair of yoga pants. Because I love them and I also live in yoga pants 24/7.  Well........ I guess if we are being honest, i wear them everyday till i have to leave the house.  Maybe i need those ones that look like jeans then i can wear them 24/7.  Nahhh i better not!

Tonight is a big night at zumba.  Every Wednesday we go to class and bring Bella and her friend, and the instructor last week invited those two girls to come on stage and do one song with him tonight. The song he wants them to do with him, involves jumping!  And i think they have been practicing it all week.  Anyway they are two excited young ladies, and I cant wait for tonight!


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