Spreading Love

A friend of mine passed this article along and this totally hit home for me. Here is the link to the article if you would like to read it for yourself. I recommend it!

We all desperately want to be loved. And to know how to truly love others.
So much truth in that!  

She challenged us to love our neighbors.  I don't know about you, but when you receive something unexpected it really makes you stop and remember the good in that moment, and forget the other 279 min. prior! This time of year we are all getting a little cabin fevered, or were home with sick kids, or were just experiencing lifes waves. It just feels good to know someone is thinking about me.  Sometimes you didn't even know you needed it. We live in a society of extreme social media and we post event or scenerios of things that are happening and people will comment or encourage you that way but sometimes your afraid to ask for  more.  Like for a casserole....  

At bible study a few weeks ago we decided to do secret sister's. We all drew names and we did stuff for that person based on there love language.  It was fun to pick up stationary and send some encouraging words through the snail mail. It filled me up at much as it did them.  To receive something tangible is just as important as words.  

Maybe this will encourage you to send a meal to a family, a letter of encourgement in a mail, or a phone call to check in with someone. It will fill that person up and also yourself. 


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