Spring Break Craze

Yep my kids are on spring break, they have 10 days off before returning to school!  And let me say these kids are high energy and testing me!  Everyday i am planning something new and different to keep them busy for a few hours while i try to tackle my to do list or have a moment to myself!

We built a snow fort for the first time this year... The weather has not been easy for fort building this year!  So with the change in weather we took full advantage of the wet melty snow and went to town building a slushy snow fort.  The girls were so excited to do this. Lets just say two days later the snow fort is looking a bit holey! :)

While at Marshals yesterday i bought a 24 pack of play dough for 10.00.  Lets just say I'm enjoying my purchase because they have played with it all morning building and rebuilding stuff.

Henry also has been having a blast with his new favorite toy!  BALL he lights up when he see it and even has started saying ball!  It's so cute!  He also has been saying DOG when he see Rosie!

Well now we are off to go to trader joes for the weekly grocery trip!  Usually i don't have three kids with me this will probably be a expensive trip! (mom please? I want this so bad!, and so on  :)  )

Tonight we are going back to the sledding hill because the temp is a little colder today and the sleds were having a hard time going down the hill good on Sunday.


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