Back To School Prep

We are in the final month of summer break and that means it's time to print off the school supply list and have the kids go through there clothes to find out what does not fit and what we need to buy. They get excited about this and I get my patience tested in the process. They have a vision on what they want there school year to look like even down to the folder and notebooks they choose. It's funny watching them figure out there styles.

I took all three kids and the neighbor girl with to get the school supplies. I am totally crazy! We got everything off the list and I have a feeling there will be more trips once the first week is done. Bella's list was super small compared to previous years. Granted they use there iPads more and less notebooks and books are used now, but they only request 2 notebooks for the year. It's seems fishy! Bella also has to order a school gym uniform for the first time. Ha I never had this before!

While we were at Target we did a quick look at clothes and they each found a shirt on the clearance they wanted and so we picked those up but I told them I would take them individually to go pick out clothes and shoes for the year. It's to much back and forth since they are in different sections of the store now.  Maybe this will be less stressful for all of us.

We are also on the countdown to finishing up the summer with fun activities. We still have a camping trip to grand Marais this month and I also bought a bunch of water balloons on clearance to have a massive water fight with all the neighbor kids. Plus the spontaneous trips during the week. It has been a fun summer for sure.

They will both be in the same school this year but have different times for when they arrive and leave. Which will be nice for me, plus it's really close to our house. Bella is most excited for having a locker she can decorate. It's the small things in life!  Kate is excited because we are pretty sure she made it into the looping program and she will have the same teachers as Bella did.

I get excited about back to school supplies because I usually will stock up on stuff I like such as notebooks and nice pens. I also like to stock up on water paints and markers for Henry throughout the year. I don't think I am the only mom who likes to stock pile on those supplies!


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