Stitch Fix Box

I love getting subscription boxes in the mail. Maybe because going to the store with kids in tow is NOT fun,or that fact that find clothes that fit me is really frustrating, or it's nice getting non bill items delivered to you . ha ha ha!!!! Clothes shopping has not been my favorite thing to do. I do love thrift store shopping but its so random and usually its not what im looking for when i go. Anyway i found a new subscription box that fixes that issue. I ordered a box from Stitch Fix. Its a place where you can go in and make a profile of your style and sizes and then they lay out a bunch of styles and you say if you like it or not. You even have the option of linking your pinterest board to it with all your favorite clothes you pinned. After you fill out your profile you pay a 20.00 stylist fee and your stylist will pick out clothes based on what they think you will love. That 20.00 will be put towards whatever items you end up buying once your box arrives.

When you box arrives you will receive 5 items...

My box had a pair of jeans, cardigan, bracelet, tank, and shirt. My stylist totally nailed my style and i couldnt be more happy. I have to admit when i saw jeans in there i freaked because jean shopping is my worst nightmare. I have thighs and smaller waist which makes it hard to find the right fit. Well they fit like a glove, and it was a cut that i normally wouldnt buy. The boyfriend jeans so there looser relaxed fit.

My cardigan is by far my favorite piece it had polka dots on the inside and stripes on the outside and it was navy blue which is my go to color besides grey.

The other piece i really loved was the grey shirt. On the picture it looks like a cotton shirt but its a soft knit like material that has fun sleeves and it's a high low style shirt. I love my behind being covered when im on the floor playing with the kids.

The blue tank top was my least favorite choice it was brighter then i normal go but the fabric is soft and thin material so it will be a cooler shirt for hot days.

Oh and i cant forget the bracelet it was a fun silver bendable cuff bracelet.

I ordered this box as a birthday present for myself and i was only planning on get one item maybe two. I ended up getting the whole box. They give you a discount for ordering all 5 pieces plus the 20 bucks you paid for when your ordered your box also gets taken off. My box came to 178.00 and i have a fun unique clothes that i can build my wardrobe. I wanted some nice pieces to use with my thrift store finds and maurices clothes (doesnt everyone love shopping there?)

I will be ordering again... If you want to try this out too i will link my referral code and you can order you box too

I apologize for all the weird faces i make in photos.... ha ha ha


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