The biggest Loser

My dear friend jenny from work and I Love the Biggest Loser. After i convinced her to join the Y, because its the great place on earth, i also talked her into doing the biggest loser with me. We are two competitive girls, so its perfect for a good weight lost game. And then of course we made the hubby's join in, which surprised me they both agreed to! But she doesn't want to set a date, just go to we all hit our goals. I want to lose my final 12 pounds and she wants to lose 16. Scott has already lost 40 pounds and is trying for 20 more. He looks fabulous, and feeling very confident in his new size. We are weighing in every Monday and I'm am not going to weigh in before that! I like to weigh myself every morning, its kinda killing me not to. But scott and i have really stepped our game up this week minus pizza luce. I just might have to buy me a new goal pants to wear. Its amazing how weight has effect on your life, it changes you physically and mentally and how you live and go about your life. I like how i feel now, it's the best that i have ever felt.


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